School Logo

Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

Contact Details

I Wish My Teacher Knew

Management Committee

The Management Committee of Ty Gwyn takes the responsibility of school governance:

The management committee (MC) plays a strategic and advisory role in setting out and maintaining the vision, aims and objectives of the PRU in conjunction with the LA. This is to ensure that all pupils are safe, have their needs met, make appropriate progress and receive a good standard of education. The core functions of a PRU MC, as set out in legislative framework, are:

  • conducting the PRU , e.g. monitoring teaching and learning,
  • day-to-day management of staff, pupils and resources, behaviour, wellbeing, attendance, etc.
  • setting out appropriate aims and objectives
  • identifying or developing policies, including targets and priorities
  • setting out arrangements for monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives, and whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved
  • responding to complaints relating to the curriculum
  • responsibility for the pupil discipline policy and associated committee
  • appraisal of PRU teaching staff

*From the Handbook for Management Committees 2018 Welsh Government

The Management Committee of Ty Gwyn Education Centre  structure is as follows:

Main Management Committee (meets twice each term)

Pupil discipline and Exclusion sub-committee (meets as required)

Human Resources and Finance sub-committee (meets each term)

Premises, Health and Safety sub-committee (meets each term)

Standards and Curriculum sub-committee (meets each term)

Attendance and Behaviour sub-committee (meets each term)


The Management Committee, staff and pupils thank the recently retired Chair Mr Martyn Silezin for being a true friend and supporter of Ty Gwyn and wish him well as he moves on. We know we will see him for a few future assemblies! 


Management Committee members 2023-24 are listed below.


Should you wish to speak to the Chair of the Management Committee with a compliment or complaint (please speak to the Headteacher in the first instance) or have a safeguarding concern, please use the following contact details:


Chair of the Management Committee - Bedwyr Harries

Safeguarding Member - Bedwyr Harries
Victoria Cox-Wall Head of Ty Gwyn Education Centre


Jessica Pennington Staff representative

Bedwyr Harris LA representative 

Vacant Coleg Y Cymoedd representative 

Laura Dando LA representative

Ceri Jones LA representative

Sarah Wheeler Community Representative

Nik Bunston Vice Chair and Community Representative 

Katrina Whale Parent representative



Handbook for Management Committees of Pupil Referral Units
