School Logo

Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

Contact Details

I Wish My Teacher Knew

Parent/Carer questionnaire, compliments and complaints

If you have a concern, compliment or complaint

In the first instance, please contact school and ask to speak to/make an appointment with either:

Mr Callum Palmer (Deputy Head) or

Mrs Victoria Cox-Wall (Head) who will be pleased to help you.

Ty Gwyn Education Centre has a three stage Complaints Policy, see the policy tab of the website for the full policy.

You can also contact the Chair of the Management Committee via email: if your complaint is about the Headteacher specifically.

Please see the policy for full details should you wish to make a complaint.

Parent and Carer feedback Spring 2025


Over 80% of parents and carers felt:

  • that Ty Gwyn has high expectations for their child
  • that their child feels safe and any concerns are dealt with effectively 

100% of parents and carers felt:

  • that Ty Gwyn lets them know how their child is doing
  • that the staff of Ty Gwyn are approachable and caring 


Thankyou to all who responded.

Spring term 2024 parent feedback!


  • he’s really enjoying it there
  • he has settled well and is actually doing some work too, which is good to see
  • he’s said all the teachers are really kind 🩷

Parent Feedback July 2023, another small but positive response :)

Parent/Carer feedback Autumn 2022


A small but positive response this term!


All parents and carers who responded felt:

  • Satisfied with the admissions process to Ty Gwyn
  • Satisfied with the information on the school website
  • Very satisfied with staff communication
  • Very satisfied with responses to queries
  • Very satisfied with visiting the school

Comments include:

  • The school couldn't have done anymore
  • The Ty Gwyn experience has been positive
  • Ty Gwyn puts him at the centre of decision making and treat him as an individual


Thanks all, please do contact us anytime with feedback using the form below or the "contact us" live form!




Parent feedback (July 2022)


Many thanks to you all for the stable, inspiring and supportive start 🙂 has received from your staff. Parent to parent, I really could not ask for more - for me he is for the first time, properly being considered, understood, trusted and respected as an individual. He has a voice! That is part of a hidden curriculum that your school provides which is wonderful.

Mum of 🙂 year 9 who joined in the spring term 2022.

Parents/carers of new starters feedback autumn 2021

Feedback from the summer exam series 2021, our most successful results ever!


Just to inform you we received 🙂 results and how pleased we are and how well he has done. After entering his results we received formal notification today he was accepted to his level 3 BTEC course.

Thank you for help and support I am very proud of what he has achieved with his grades.

Some parent feedback from February 2021

(as part of a review of progress)


"He enjoys attending school and I have heard positive remarks about his progress which I am so pleased to hear as previously this has been difficult."

"He has been attending regularly."

"He has been doing all the work set for him."


A parent compliment from February 2021 

(via email, in response to a positive call and postcard home)


"I too am very proud, he has improved a great deal and is very focused on going to college which is fantastic and I am very appreciative and grateful to the hard work and support from the staff." 

A lovely parent compliment to the Form Family Tutor (March 2021):

Ty Gwyn has been amazing because they work with you and not against you and want the same for the pupils as their parents do”.

Mum of E Y11
