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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

Richard Parks opens our brand new bike shed with thanks to Wooden Spoon the Rugby Charity!

Such a great event for the children and young people of Ty Gwyn to welcome the well known adventurer Richard Parks to school today!

Last year, Wooden Spoon Charity funded a brand new wooden bike shed, six top of the range bikes and safety equipment and funding for cycling safety training. Mr Damien Murphy worked with the charity to achieve this great facility. As you may know, we don't have a field as such, but a very large yard area, perfect for cycling!

The pupils were presented with their cycling proficiency certificates by Richard who also cut the ribbon! Richard and the other visitors then toured the school and spoke to so many pupils we thought they were staying!

Thankyou to the Wooden Spoon Charity for their generosity towards Ty Gwyn.

Find out more about them here:

Find out more about Richard Parks here:
