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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

100% attendance week 10th January 2022!

10th January 2022

100% attendance week


Switch of the tv, shut down the the x-box and get off the social media! Early nights and alarms set!

Its 💯 attendance week and everyone has a new year’s resolution to attend school every day! 
Everyone is in and all 💯 attenders get a ticket for the 💯 Club and are in the half term draw to win the £10 gift voucher. There are also prizes for this special week!

The winners of the autumn term prize draw are:

KS3 Alfie S

KS4 Michael H

Well done both, keep it up 👍🏼 


See you EVERY DAY! 
