Autumn term reports and Progress Day
Merry Christmas to all our parents and carers and a brief message 🎄
Ty Gwyn learners will be receiving end of term interim reports this week. These will be posted home to ensure safe delivery!
This is important to understand your child’s progress, whether in Y7 or Y11 as every day counts and every lesson counts towards their future success.
On 4th January, you will have the opportunity to make a video appointment with your child’s main teacher in Y7-9 and all subject teachers in Y10-11.
We encourage you to follow the link and make the appointment, a phone is all that’s needed, no need for a laptop or iPad. This is a valuable opportunity to be part of your child’s educational journey and perhaps see where you could support further. If you haven’t received a link or need it re-sent please contact school.
The appointments are time limited, they will cut off after 8 minutes, please don’t be offended, this is part of the system. We will collect feedback after the event as this is a new system and we can review if this was a suitable length. Please remember it’s about progress in lesson terms, if you have pastoral or social concerns, please contact school separately, as and when they arise.
We look forward to “seeing” you in this very safe and convenient way!
All Ty Gwyn staff and learners wish you all a pleasant holiday during the Christmas celebrations and share our hopes for a safe and healthy new year.
Mrs Cox-Wall