School Logo

Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

Contact Details

I Wish My Teacher Knew

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week is children’s mental health week and the theme is “express yourself”. If you are learning from home, lots of ideas about how you can do that through art, poetry, video or song and dance will come in our letter and pack via Royal Mail.

There are also details of free text and call lines if you need someone to talk to. We do also have “I wish my teacher knew” as a link on the website homepage if you want help during school hours. Remember, there is always someone to listen without judgement 🤓

If you are in school, we will be working with you during the week on lots of individual and small group projects - we’ll share some of our work in the Children/Picture Gallery section. 
