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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

Goodbye and Good luck to our Y11s

So this week the exams finished and we said goodbye to our Y11s! 
When I joined Ty Gwyn in 2020, this group were just Y8 and very small and timid. Myself and the wider staff have watched them grow up, becoming mature and sensible young adults, competent and confident to make their own way in the world. 
We have watched them overcome many challenges, including a pandemic which separated us all for long periods and brought unprecedented difficulties around learning.
The behaviour and attitudes we have seen recently, particularly during the exam period which is never easy, has shown us all how ready they are to take those next steps to success outside Ty Gwyn.

Goodbye and good luck to:

Riley, Rubi, T, Ethan, Logun, Harley, Mason and Liam, you’ll be missed. 
