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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

It’s been a busy week, some reminders for parents and carers.

Several staff have had to remain at home this week for isolation reasons or as their own children have had to isolate. We have had to use every resource and some additional cover to keep everyone learning and safe and I’d like to thank all our teachers and support staff for working so very hard to fill the gaps. Our cleaning team have also been extremely conscientious and focussed. 
This is an anxious time with the virus still very much amongst us and children who live in the lower Cynon Valley have brought home letters re the additional testing arrangements.

To help us keep Ty Gwyn safe, please:

1. ensure your child has a face covering on school transport,

2. encourage them to follow staff instructions re wearing face coverings outside the classroom,

3. leave mobile phones ( a school rule anyway) and bags at home,

4. encourage them to reduce sharing items which spread high levels of bacteria. 

Thank you for your support. Please remember school finishes on Thursday 17th December. 
