Letter re the planned industrial action on 2nd March
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you will be aware, the National Education Union (NEU) has announced a further three days of intended industrial action. The proposed industrial action dates are as follows: Thursday 2nd March 2023 Wednesday 15th March 2023 Thursday 16th March 2023 The decision regarding whether your child’s school will remain open on these dates will be made by your child’s school, based on the school’s individual context and risk assessments. Your child’s school will aim to let you know whether the school will be open at least three working days before each of these dates. Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals Where schools have decided to close in advance of planned industrial action, only learners eligible for free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch if this is needed. Your child’s school will be in touch with you shortly to establish your child’s needs. Pre-ordered packed lunches for learners eligible to free school meals can be collected from your child’s school between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on the day of the planned industrial action. The Council will not be providing packed lunches to learners entitled to a free school meal under the Universal Primary Free School Meal Offer in nursery, reception and year 1 classes. Faith, Welsh Medium and secondary school learners that are eligible to a free school meal and some special school learners (without specific dietary needs) who access school transport will be able to collect a packed lunch from a school in their local community. If your child is in this category, your child’s school will be in contact shortly to ask about your child’s packed lunch needs, including dietary needs and allergens, and the preferred school for collection. Please make sure you advise the school of your child’s dietary requirements as the suppliers of your child’s packed lunch will need to be aware of these.
School lunches In schools that are not closed, Catering Services will provide a lunch service as normal. Breakfast Club Your child’s school will advise you if breakfast club will be operating on the proposed industrial action days. School Transport Parents and carers are advised that home-to-school transport for eligible pupils will continue to run as normal unless a school has decided to close before the day of planned industrial action. Where learners are transported to school and classes or year groups are affected by the strike action on the actual day of strike action, they will need to remain in school. Transport will be unable to undertake additional morning return journeys and drop offs. Should learners need to return home, parents and/or carers will be advised of the need to collect their child/ren from school. This is to ensure the safety of your child/ren. Schools are working closely with their governing bodies and the local authority to minimise the disruption as far as possible, and we appreciate your support at this time. Your child’s school will contact you directly and update you on local arrangements.
Many thanks,
Gaynor Davies Director of Education and Inclusion Services.