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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

Project Vote

Project Vote

Ty Gwyn has signed up to be part of "Project Vote". This is a school based election which will be similar to the actual May Senedd elections in Wales. We have specific materials from the office of the Children's Commissioner for Wales to teach our children and young people about the voting process, making a choice and the implications of who "wins", this is part of becoming active and informed citizens and is a protected right for children to have their voices heard and taken seriously under the UNCRC.

Children will see video manifestos from the various parties competing locally and then have the chance to make their choice and vote in school and on line! If you have any election materials posted through your door please do send them to school with your child, it all helps with developing our understanding and ability to make informed choices. 

Staff, of course, will be "neutral" in their views and encourage open discussion and evaluation by our learners.

See below for the message from the CC Sally Holland or check out: 





Message from Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales:  

Over 100 schools have signed up to Project Vote, a parallel Senedd election aimed at young people aged 11-15. The election is ready to go in schools – with pre-written face-to-face lesson plans, remote learning packs, and an online voting slip based on the school’s postcode. Schools have flexibility to run their election at any point between April 19-30.


Neges wrth Sally Holland, Comisiynydd Plant Cymru:  

Mae dros 100 o ysgolion wedi cofrestru ar gyfer y Prosiect Pleidlais, etholiad Senedd baralel wedi ei anelu at bobl ifanc 11-15 oed. Mae’r etholiad yn barod i’w weithredu mewn ysgolion – gyda gwersi wyneb-yn-wyneb wedi eu cynllunio yn barod, pecynnau dysgu adre, a slip pleidleisio arlein yn seiliedig ar gôd post yr ysgol. Mae gan ysgolion hyblygrwydd ar bryd i redeg yr etholiad, gyda’r pleidleisio ar agor rhwng 19-30 Ebrill. Ar gyfer mwy o wybodaeth ac i gofrestru ewch i’n gwefan.


Local Candidate Mia James is visiting Tuesday for a Q and A! Exciting times 🗳 

4 Y11s and 1 Y10 interviewed Mia today and asked some very searching questions. Mia also showed us her ballot paper and explained the Senedd voting systems (over 16s)  and the additional vote for Police and Crime Commissioners (over 18s only). Thank you Mia and we wish you luck. 
