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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

The Big Lunch success!

The Ty Gwyn Big Lunch!


Thanks to everyone who came to share with us today, so lovely to welcome some of our families and carers, some Y6s who might join us soon and some partners from the local authority. Great that you could join us to share some lovely sandwiches and cakes (yum!).


What is the big idea around the big lunch?!

The Big Lunch is the UK’s annual get-together for neighbours and communities, with millions of people coming together to share friendship, food and fun and celebrate community connections.

An idea from the Eden Project in 2009, made possible by The National Lottery, The Big Lunch makes a real difference to how we see and feel about our communities; it’s an opportunity to share cultures, experiences, stories, ideas and skills – helping people grow local connections and feel a greater sense of belonging to where they live, with a whopping one in five of the UK population taking part last year.


