The latest news update (Newsletter is on it's way too!)
As you know we returned to "full" school on 12th April, many learners have attended safely during the Level 4 restrictions and we are proud Ty Gwyn has remained open for vulnerable and front line workers' children throughout the entire school year. We remained virus free with careful social distancing and an enhanced cleaning regime we are continuing to maintain.
I take this opportunity to thank all Ty Gwyn staff, our teachers, support staff, admin staff, cleaning and site team, catering staff and you as parents and carers for working with us to maintain learning and keep us all safe.
"Inside the White House" newsletter is on it's way home (also in the newsletter section of the website) with the latest news included about our day to day lives, never a dull moment!
Just to finish, we will be saying goodbye to our Y11 learners on 28th May, we will be holding a learner only event due to the continued restrictions but we will celebrate in style and give them the send off they deserve! We will definitely miss them all and are proud of their personal achievements, GCSEs and other triumphs!
Thank you all, please contact school via the website or phone if you need any information.