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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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I Wish My Teacher Knew

Welcome to a new school year! Some handy reminders for parents and carers, please read.

Welcome to the new school year! 
We are pleased to be back and glad to see all learners, including several new, across all our year groups. 
We’d like to remind parents and carers of the following:

1. Face coverings should be worn on school transport and the contractor can refuse entry to the vehicle.

2. Learners should attend every day, unless genuinely unwell. Absence for reasons like haircuts or shopping will not be authorised and cases of concern will be referred to the Attendance and Well-being Service. Please ring as soon as possible if your child is absent.

3. Ty Gwyn is a no phone school. If your child brings a phone on the taxi it is to be handed in on entry. This is a decision around safeguarding and applies to everyone. You will be contacted if there is an issue re this and we request your full support. 
4. Smoking is not permitted on site, please do not supply smoking materials, you will be contacted if there is an issue. 
5. Coronavirus continues to be a serious concern. Social distancing, hand hygiene and careful observation of symptoms will reduce the spread. If your child has symptoms, keep them at home and notify school via phone as soon as possible. If you or another close contact have symptoms, please also keep your child home until you have been tested. Please advise school. 

Lateral Flow Tests are available from school and are recommended for testing twice a week. 
Thank you for your support across these key areas. When learners are supported and in an established routine they learn and progress. 
Please contact school and/or Damien Petts (Family Engagement Officer) if you have any concerns. 
Victoria Cox-Wall.
