School Logo

Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

Contact Details

I Wish My Teacher Knew

Welcome to the new school year!

Welcome back to school! 

At the start of the new school year we have many previous pupils returning and are welcoming many new learners to Ty Gwyn! For some of these pupils it’s their first experience of secondary school and all the challenge and positives that brings. 
It’s important to stress the need for regular attendance at school, your child should be at school unless unwell or there is a medical or dental appointment. Please ensure you ring school if your child is absent so it can be recorded, unexplained absence will be followed up by Ellie Weatherill our new Family Engagement Officer. We can support you in many different ways but this is a focus for us this year. 
A polite reminder, term time holidays must be authorised to avoid a fine, please complete the holiday form on our attendance page. Thank you! 

Further, while we don’t have a uniform, your child should wear appropriate shoes and clothing, for example no sliders or flip flops. Phones are not permitted in school, likewise vapes and chargers of any kind. 
We will contact you regularly and where there are areas where we can work together to support your child we will ask you to be our partners in this and follow up with your child. 
We will shortly be organising a parent/carer/guardian evening and will offer in person, phone or video appointments and look forward to meeting you then. We do have some new staff for you to be aware of:

Chris Mackie KS3 Teacher

Nathaniel Freeman English Teacher

Kelly Blenkinsopp-Clarke Therapeutic Practitioner

Christian Davies Temporary KS3 Teacher

Their photos will shortly be on our website staff page. Our next community event is the Macmillan Coffee Morning to which you are all invited: 27th September 1.30pm hope to see you there!


Victoria Cox-Wall Head of Ty Gwyn Education Centre
