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Ty Gwyn

Education Centre

“Believing in young people/Credu mewn pobl ifanc”.

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Latest information and news!

  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Tue 08 Feb 2022

    The Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit has recently been reviewed and updated to ensure that it meets the changing needs of young people, at what has been a challenging time for all of us.

    Please go to: and view the playlists:



    Keeping Healthy

    Low Mood


    Also check out the official website: for activities around this year's theme "growing together". 


  • Sports Leaders with Dallaglio Rugby Works

    Sun 06 Feb 2022

    Well done to the following learners:

    Ethan and Harley Y10


    Rhys and Michael Y11

    for achieving part of their Sports Leaders Award with Dallaglio Rugby Works sports mentors. 
    You may have also seen the boys playing in the background whilst our mentor Dan was interviewed on BBC Wales news on Wednesday! Famous for five minutes!

    Very well done boys, using these skills will ensure your success as you move through life. 
    Article #31 the right to play and leisure! 🏈 

  • Kooth launch in school today!

    Wed 02 Feb 2022

    We were pleased to welcome Evan to school assembly today to tell us about Kooth, an online platform and counselling service for young people in our area. 

    Evan showed a short presentation with the type of threads, conversation topics, types of support and most importantly how to log in if you need help or support or a listening ear.

    This is so important with social isolation being a challenge for children and young people across Wales at times, the need to access confidential, free and quick help is stronger than ever.

    Each learner will also be given a card they can keep in their phone case or purse/wallet and it's there when needed. Article 27 the right to the conditions you need to live well.

    Check for more information!

  • Careers visit to Tilbury Douglas @ Prince Charles Hospital

    Tue 01 Feb 2022

    Y11s had the chance to tour the refurbishment of the hospital site and participate in some mock interview sessions! This group of learners will be leaving us soon and entering the workforce so this is a great opportunity.

    Thanks also to Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board.
